Charlie can accommodate both on-site presentations and virtual webinars!
Most people have the same attitude about safety that Charlie Morecraft had for a decade and a half while working at a refinery. Having been critically injured in an explosion that burned over 45% of his body, Charlie Morecraft conveys, in the most penetrating way, the lesson he so painfully learned. Seldom, are people confronted by the real consequences of an abuse in safety practices.
Anyone who hears Charlie’s story will be deeply moved and motivated to never again take safety for granted. Charlie’s emphasis is on the significance of attitude and personal responsibility.
Some of the learning objectives are:
(1) To facilitate insight into everyone’s own safety practices and attitudes
(2) To be a “wake-up call” that shakes people out of complacency and taking responsibilities for granted
(3) To make people become more responsible for their own safety on the job, at home, at play, at travel, everywhere.
This continues to result in people handling all aspects of their lives with a greater awareness and appreciation of safety. Some examples are; wearing safety equipment on the job, following safety procedures at work and at home, wearing seat belts in moving vehicles, etc.
Charlie’s message alters people’s attitudes toward safety. Their actions and behavior go from being thoughtless, lackadaisical and routine to “safety first & always”. Their consciousness is raised to a new level.
Charlie Morecraft is a powerful and dynamic public speaker. His audiences get a highly personal, private look at what happened to one man, and how it could happen to any one of us.
As Charlie always says, “I’m just an ordinary guy…with an extraordinary story to tell”.
Charlie’s Live Presentation Details
This safety presentation typically runs 1 hour followed by a 30 minute question and answer session where Charlie will interact with the audience. Please feel free to ask about discounts for multiple presentations. Charlie has a second presentation called “Safety’s Everyone’s Responsibility” that can be used as a follow-up to “Remember Charlie” or stand on its own. If you need any additional information on bringing Charlie to your facility please contact us here or call 1-800-783-0796