Absolutely the best safety speaker I’ve ever heard! He has really driven the importance of everyday safety practices and the effects of making the wrong safety choices… My Sailors will never forget the day they heard Charlie speak. Thanks Charlie!
Manny Perez – United States Navy

We actually showed the video in an all hands safety meeting last week . There were a lot of positive comments, and one person said we shouldn’t show the video without first handing out Kleenex.
Terry K. Saint Gobain
Thank you again for your assistance and please let Charlie know that I appreciate the excellent training DVD’s, real life experiences always make the most impression. It will probably never be known how many incidents Charlie has prevented with these great tools. I’m just sorry he had to go through such a life changing experience.
Bev R – American Refining
I just finished reading Charlie’s book “Out of the Ashes”. The book is nothing short of fantastic. I have used Charlie’s videos in our manufacturing plants and in the classroom teaching at a local community college. I was so impressed with the videos I purchased a dozen copies of the book.and shared them with key people in our organization prior to reading it. I knew it would be that good and it did not disappoint. Charlie thank you for sharing your story.
Bill Oliver – AET Films
I watched “Remember Charlie” in the Gorgon (Chevron) Induction today and it moved me to tears. I work in HSSE and yet we can still be complacent within out “comfort” zones at work. I think at times we all forget that its not only our bodies that suffer when an accident effects us, it also effects our Co-Workers, Friends and Loved Ones. Charlie, you are an inspiration to us all and a real reminder on the importance of Safety. I thank you for being brave and sharing your story with me and the world.
Beth M – CKJV
Our entire company is required to watch this video. It is safety week here at Palram. This company always states SAFETY IS NUMBER ONE. After watching this video I think we all understand the importance of safety not only at the work place but in everyday life. Charlie is truly inspirational. This is a video that I feel has not only changed my life but many others. Fantastic job and I truly thank you for sharing!!!!!
Cindy Sicher – Palram Americas
I had the pleasure of hearing Charlie speak at the CB&I / 9 mile point construction job in Louisiana. Has Charlie told his story all eyes were focused completely on him. The man who was honest enough to admit that he did not take safety seriously. A man who has dedicated his life to trying to teach others how not to make the mistakes that he has made. He said he would do anything to go back to that day before his accident knowing what he knows now. The lesson I take from this is to take safety seriously now. I have my family, my job, and my health and if IM honest, a very good life. I think Charlie so much for coming to remind everyone of how easily an accident can change your life permanently.
Freddy Harmon – Applied Technical Services
When Charlie began his message he could just as easily have been talking about me. The moronic things I’ve done in 36+ yrs…. . Well it made me ashamed of my selfish actions. It’s easy to forget the impact an accident can have on family and friends and im embarrassed, but so very thankful i saw Charlie’s testimony before it was too late although i think we’re missing something if we think his message is only about safety. I believe it’s about taking responsibility for everything in our lives and because of it will surely make us all better human beings. May god bless you Charlie the rest of your days for having the guts to tell your story and in doing so saving countless people from needless suffering.
As a Police Officer and Paramedic I always took safety seriously. Then I had the opportunity to watch “Remember Charlie” when I became a fuel hauler. The film was required viewing in order to receive your loading card at the Chevron Refinery in Pascagoula Ms. From the very first moment after hearing Charlies testimony I took an introspective look at myself and decided right then that I wanted a carrier in safety to spread the message that we ALL needed to come home safely every time. No Speech, No film, No academy I attended ever drove the point home to me as did watching Charlies film and hearing his testimony. That was in the very early 2000’s. Thank You Charlie, I now speak about you often in my training classes. God Speed!
Bill Benton – Manning Trucking
Charlie’s story is simply amazing. I had the pleasure of watching it today in a safety class and it has changed my outlook on safety forever. To any employer looking to buy this video, do it. If it change’s one employee’s mindset as it did with me, it’s more than paid for itself. Keep up the work Charlie!
Wade B – LyondellBasell
I viewed ‘Remember Charlie’ about ten hours ago in a HSSE briefing session as a pre-cursor to an upcoming project. The video touched me so much that it has got me thinking. I have seen many incidents happen and many go un-noticed. Sometimes they get their due attention and mitigation measures are put in place and sometimes things get forgotten over time. Charlie’s story has shook me hard to make me convinced that this story has to reach hundreds of thousands of offshore personnel who work for living under peril miles away from home. They deserve a safer life at work and they deserve to lead a happy family life at home. It will be my endeavor to spread Charlie’s cause among the men that I work with.
Commander Ashish Srinivasan – Valentine Maritime Gulf LLC
Charlie- I just ordered one of your videos today after viewing one of them in a training class today. I work in the Ag industry helping cooperatives with their safety and compliance. This industry is FULL of guys like you describe. I paid for this video out of my own pocket because I know my cooperative would not approve the expense. I really can’t afford it but after thinking about it, I can’t afford not to. Thanks for doing what you do.
Doug Richardson – West Central Compliance
I watched “Remember Charlie” about an hour ago. The power of his story, and the conviction in his presentation made me re evaluate my perspective on safety at work, and at home. I hope he reads this, and gets satisfaction in knowing this blue collar guy will remember and use this video for years to come as an inspiration to myself, my family and anyone who will watch it. Good luck and thank you Charlie
Keith M. – Skanska
I went to the NSC in search of cooler clothes for the crew to wear however, after hearing Charlie’s presentation and seeing his scars from rolling up his sleeves, I realized how unsafe that really is.
Gary – Akzo Nobel
I have heard about you for many years and had the incredible opportunity to see both your presentations and meet you at the NSC in Orlando. I own some Twisty Treats Ice Cream in the area and for my stores one year anniversary I hired a DJ to play on the roof for all the kids. This was right after I heard your story so I went out and purchased harnesses to keep the DJ crew secure which to be honest I hadn’t even thought of! Thank you for putting safety everywhere because that’s where it truly belongs.
Corey B – Twisty Treats Ice Cream
I was graced with the book “Out of the Ashes” last week and I have finished reading it. Since I viewed Charlie’s story on DVD I knew, or perhaps thought I knew it, but reading is to me someone talking to you personally and I cannot describe adequately in words the emotions that flowed to me from those pages. To say I cried would be an understatement, yea I wept and my tears baptized me as to Charles Morecrafts’ suffering. I too, suffered with him and for him. From my point of view the book is a moving tribute to Charles Morecraft and his story is a lesson to all of humanity. What a lively and spiritual soul Charlie is and is best described by his going forward with his life, his concern for his family and his friendship with humanity. KUDOS. KUDOS to Charles Morecraft he is one in ten million
Martin Sadacca
I saw the “Remember Charlie” video for the first time today at a supplemental safety training for Chevron. Now, I admit, there have been plenty of times where I have wanted to close my eyes and fall asleep during a safety video, but not here. Charlie’s story had my eyes and ears riveted to the screen. Never before have I been fully engaged by a “safety story.” I was drawn in by the passion, by the full personal and relatable way Charlie told his story. The images, the feeling, he painted will stay with me for a very long time, and I’ll be sure to “remember Charlie” the next time I think it won’t matter if I remove my glasses or gloves or think the FRC jumps suits or protective “bunny-suits” look goofy on me!
S Spencer – TIC
As a contractor for one of the major oil companies, we had to attend their company’s 8 hour safety training in addition to the training we already had. I did not look forward to it but was blown away with the Remember Charlie video. Although all of the training was great, your video alone was well worth it. I will never again feel awkward about following safety rules nor will I be silent when I see others who carelessly or willfully endanger themselves or others. You have no doubt saved lives and prevented many injuries. You were not a hero for what you did that led up to the accident but you have become one by taking responsibility for your actions and your life and then telling it so others can avoid the hell you experienced. Thanks Charlie for telling your story in such a powerful way.
Gus Oliver – Horizon Well Logging LLC
Remember Charlie” Was by far the most moving and engaging motivational speech I have ever heard. As Charlie tells his story it brings your level of awareness to new heights. In the climax of his presentation in a room filled with hundreds of people you could hear a pin drop. Thanks Charlie for taking the time to educate us about the importance of SAFETY.
Robert Ponzo – Home Builders Institute
On August 2, 2011 I was involved in 480 volt flash. Thanks to Charlie I had all my safety gear on and was not injured. Also with a sincere THANK YOU for Charlie’s message. Because of your videos, I was able to walk away from a very serious accident and was able to return home to my son. Thank you again.
Brian S. – Rocky Mountain Power
When we watched “Remember Charlie” at work, I cried, I was sad(but at the same time in total awe) of the courage, strength, and class you have Mr. Morecraft! I will NEVER forget that video, or You sir! Thank you so very much for sharing your story #1, but Most of all, bringing to the forefront…being too comfortable in a job that one could do in their sleep they think, is dangerous..and we all need to stay totally focused. God bless you Mr.Morecraft!
Deborah Tonkin – Amcor Pet Packaging
Charlie: I have been a Safety Manager for more years than I care to count. In this capacity, I couldn’t tell you how many safety videos I have presented to various groups. But, I have never had a video touch people that way your story does. It is a very powerful message delivered with bulls-eye accuracy. I am the safety manager for a glass manufacturing facility with seasoned United Steel Workers. They are usually a rowdy bunch to reach via any medium. I was surprised at what an impression you had on them. Several “hardcore” types come up to me after the meeting and told me how they saw themselves in you. Thanks for sharing your story! Roland Simons, CSP
Pamela A. Hillman – The Sherwin Williams
Dear Mr. Morecraft, This summer, the USS Carl Vinson realized some poignant milestones: Reactor Complex Overhaul completion, Sea Trials, and Flight Deck Certification. These things would not have been possible without your dedication to industrial safety and your willingness to share that devotion with our crew. Your message had a resounding effect on the crew and significantly contributed to their overall safety while in the Newport News Shipyard. I would like to express my appreciation and after over 40 months in the shipyard environment, the crew and the ship were more than ready to go to sea and excelled at each and every test and certification evolution. ‘Honor, courage and commitment’ isn’t just a slogan to this phenomenal crew. Thank you for your support. I earnestly believe that your interaction with the crew dramatically improved the safety climate and allowed the command to establish the benchmark safety record for a comprehensive carrier overhaul. Consider yourself a friend of the USS CARL VINSON.
Commanding Safety Officer A. McCracken – Department Of The Navy
One fellow stood up from the audience and said, “Charlie, I saw you 15 years ago and you have been keeping me safe ever since….
Tennessee Valley Authority – TVA
Since Charlie’s appearance here some six months ago we have managed to improve on our safety performance during a very critical time, closure. Our employees are self-performing various decontamination and demolition tasks in a very rare setting, a VX Chemical Neutralization Facility. Charlie spoke to our group of over 500 employees just a few days before our closure tasks began. His message was heard and the employees have responded. We are not only maintaining the lowest incident rate compared to the four other facilities that are working with VX Chemical, at this time we have actually lowered it!
Mark Brothers – Parsons
Charlie’s presentation was the single most important thing we have done for safety
Lawrence Mackioc, Executive – St. Laurent Paperboard
39% drop in incidents after 24,000 associates heard Charlie’s message
Union Pacific Railroad
We had a 67% drop in our accident rate over last year …
Gene Barnes – Safety Coordinator – Mobil Oil, Beaumont TX
Charlie Morecraft’s message is powerful! His greatest gift is that he can reach employees and get them to see the importance of accepting responsibility for their own safety.
John A. Green, Health and Safety – Take & Lyle
Now that the conference at which Charlie Morecraft presented is completed and the feedback reviewed, we can confirm your message of “Making It Personal” assisted us in driving this message home … Our sincere appreciation for a “job well done.
Dr. Thomas Weekley, UAW-GM, Mike White, GM – Karl L. Bossung, Delphi Automotive
Dear Mr. Morecraft, On behalf of the Labor Division of the National Safety Council and Rick Irwin, Division Chair, along with the entire division leadership and members, we would like to thank you for your participation and keynote presentation during the closing session of our recent Division meeting in Orlando, Florida. Your heartfelt, poignant and personal story to our members was well received and greatly appreciated. The labor Division serves as a continuing forum for the development and maintenance of sustained interest and activity in supporting safety for all workers and their families. It also serves as a medium for exchange of information, and for group planning within the Organized Labor, Health and Safety movement to be shared with the general public. Again, thank you for the generous donation of your time, efforts and resources; your participation in the Labor Division meeting was crucial in assisting our members and attendees in the pursuit of safety.
NSC Labor Division leadership and Sloane Grubb
Where do I begin to describe the influence Charlie has had on my career, everyday practices, and my attitude? Safety during my career started when I was in the Navy. I was the Safety Petty Officer for my Division. After completing my enlistment, I was on my tools as a Journeyman participating on safety committees. During all of this time, I was pretty stubborn about safety in my personal life. For the past 15 years I have worked as a Safety Professional in three very different employment environments. During the first year I was exposed to Charlie’s message. Charlie provides a way to make safety matter – to even us once stubborn ones. I have relied on Charlie’s approach to safety in my daily challenges to convince employees, and sometimes Management, to identify risks and to avoid shortcuts. Sure, considering cost, schedule and injury statistics are all part of a successful business approach. But families trump all of that. After people experience Charlie’s message they are willing to change old habits and more importantly – speak up to keep others safe, where ever they are. For me, Charlie has provided an inspirational motivation for safety. Motive for employees to create a safety culture that is without compromise. Motive for Management to expect and support such a culture. Motive for Safety Professionals to continually be motivated while consistently improving a culture of safety. Motive for all of us to speak up at work or away from work about safety. I have heard Safety Professionals compared to someone with deep religious convictions. Both of them typically base their daily activities and approach to life itself, as a disciple of their religion. My coworkers, friends and family will tell you, I am a Disciple of Charlie